1 The People's Temple. Aum Shinrikyo 2. Next listed were "Pagan cults". Rather, it encourages its followers to prepare for the return of the Elohim, or higher beings, who will reveal themselves to us at an undetermined date. They also taught that kids should only involve themselves in eschewing the world to yearn for the kingdom of God. A far-right, extreme hate group that especially targets the homosexual and Jewish communities, the W.B.C. abcnews. [14], The criteria chosen by the French Renseignements gnraux to establish the potential dangers of a movement were criticized since they were considered vague and may include many organizations, religious or not. The non-believers, that is, people who were not members of the cult, could only receive salvation if they died. He soon gained control of the whole group after the founder died. 1. Some of the people who followed him found that they were becoming powerful within their cartels, and he tried to extract more money from them, as well as positions of power for his own self. Those are some of the most famous cults in the history of the United States, but there are still other modern cults that have active members. Find out more about the dangerous practices and . The belief was that people could receive Gods gift of salvation by having sex with members of the Children of God. "Jesus was not a partner in the Godhead, as was not Jacob. Between the success of Hulu's The Path, the upcoming Waco miniseries and recent allegations that R&B singer R. Kelly has been operating a sex cult - which . Eighteen male members went as far as volunteering to be castrated surgically. From well-respected news channels to the Comedy Central animated series South Park, Scientology is passed off as a novelty cult. A category for the various cults which have appeared in the Cthulhu Mythos over the ages. This religion, most notable for its many celebrity members (ie. Director: Stanley Kubrick | Stars: Malcolm McDowell, Patrick Magee, Michael Bates, Warren Clarke. In October 1994, one of the cults leaders, Joseph Di Mambro ordered the murder of a three-month-old boy because he believed that the infant was the antichrist, born into the group to keep Di Mambro from becoming the leader. Heaven's Gate cult: The leaders. These rituals, he said, would guarantee them safety from the police and their enemies. 3. Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom is based loosely on a Hindu cult known as the Cult of Kali. This category has the following 15 subcategories, out of 15 total. Today, the Illuminati is at the center of the New World Order conspiracy theory, which suggests that they are orchestrating all significant events to gain world domination through a secret world government. Known for their support of almost complete sexual freedom, as well as cloning, Ralists are an example of a passive cult; instead of resorting to violence and protests, they simply spread their message for the salvation of others. Here are the top 10 cults with massive followings. Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, by James K. Walker. The Children of God grew to over 130 communities across the globe and had over 10,000 dedicated members in the 1970s. However, Jim Jones was actually a dedicated Marxist and founded his church as a means of infiltrating Christianity with communism. The Ten Commandments figured heavily into the groups ideology, as did the apocalyptic belief that the world would end at midnight on the dawn of the year 2000. 1952: RELATED: Remaining Church of . [20][21], In France, Antoinism was classified as a cult in the 1995 parliamentary reports which considered it one of the oldest healer groups. Heaven's Gate. In the future, a sadistic gang leader is imprisoned and volunteers for a conduct-aversion experiment, but it doesn't go as planned. There are religious cults, political cults, and self-improvement cults. Large sects listed included: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Jehovah's Witnesses, and what the council called "neo-Pentecostals". "[27] Similarly, the French sociologist Rgis Dericquebourg, who deeply studied the religion, concluded that Antoinism is not a cult: it "has no totalitarian influence on its members, and do not dictate their behaviour to get in the world; it is not exclusive [and] shows no hostility towards social systems". What made the cults beliefs deviate from mainstream religion was its fine blend of promiscuous sex and worship of Jesus Christ. The term cult comes from the Latin word cultus, which means to worship a deity, but in the last few centuries its colloquial definition has transformed.In a 1981 edition of the Harvard Mental Health Letter, psychiatrist Robert Jay Lifton defined three characteristics of a . When the founder died, he gained control of the entire group in Waco. Colleges, synagogues, and community centers that do not conform with the values of the W.B.C., even the inauguration of President Obama arent safe from their derogatory remarks. At least if you can find a group . List Of Cults. His religious and political mission, given to him by heaven, was the expansion of Japan and defeat of the Western forces that tried to dismantle the Japanese Empire. Although there were multiple cases of polygamy on the ranch itself, and a few of the children had minor bone fractures, there were no signs of sexual abuse in any of the children. [29] According to the sociologist Bruno tienne, an expert on religious issues, the SRCM publishes books as any other group but does not proselytize, and has never been convicted: "To us, it is fully a NMR (new religious movement), modern religious group, although based on an ancient tradition, and subject to serious arguments advanced by others more knowledgeable, we do not understand why it is criticized on the list of the damned". The Order of the Solar Temple was primarily regarded as a secret society, mainly based in Switzerland and France, and few people outside of its cloisters had access to information about its goings-on. Of all the famous cults in American history, the United States has only been heavily influenced by two. They, however, had some strange and horrific practices. People's Temple Jonestown Massacre, Guyana. Alternative Considerations of Jonestown & Peoples Temple. Because of this, I am fairly certain that cults, alternative religions, sects, and the like will, in this day and age, almost never be able to last. He moved his followers from Indianapolis to Ukiah, California, after reading an article on areas that were immune to a nuclear holocaust. Many of his followers swore such a high level of allegiance to him that they strapped themselves into glider-like planes and dive-bombed into American warships stationed in the Pacific. Jouret and other. The Bhagwan infuriated American Christians when he declared the Christian God to be false. He gained a massive following among the drug traffickers and criminal gangs of the country. At extremes it might include keeping people . Tom Cruise), has been brought into the public eye a great deal recently, and has come under a great deal of scrutiny. Life after a sex cult: If Im not a member of this religion anymore, then who am I? by Sophia Tewa. CHOSEN ONE Cecilia Steyn, leader of Electus per . The Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (FLDS) operated mostly under the radar of both federal authorities and the mainstream Mormon church. It was disbanded in 1870, and again in 1944. In March 1997, the group made national news when they conducted one of the largest mass suicides in history. Randy Mankin of the Eldorado Success/Wikimedia. Members maintain that they have since deviated from the violent ideology of their founder. C ults have a horrific history throughout the world and have brought tragedy and isolation to its members and their loved ones. Nirvana, heaven, Zion, or outer space are a guiding principle in their scriptures. After a fallout with the cult founder, he led the cult members to live in buses and tents in Palestine, Texas. A Clockwork Orange (1971) R | 136 min | Crime, Sci-Fi. 2. In the early 1970s, Bonnie Nettles and Marshal Applewhite founded a group of devout followers called The Crew. Charles Manson, however, held some bizarre ideas and predictions. When Jim Jones founded The Peoples Temple of the Disciples of Christ in 1955, many people viewed it as an egalitarian project through which people could truly live out the message of the gospel by living in the community and sharing everything they had. He was the leader of The Manson Family cult in the late 1960s. However, he had a fascination with the Santeria religion - a syncretism of Voodoo and Roman Catholicism - that he may have inherited from his mother and grandmother, both believed to be Santeria priestesses. Modern humanity has adopted the practice of forming cult followings.We think of things like TV shows or video games that aren't necessarily financial successes, but are intensely admired by a group of people as having a cult following. It integrates all aspects of man, whether physical, mental or spiritual, without charge or austerity or penance or self-negation". The CIA and Interpol began investigating sexual abuse allegations made by members against Berg. Moreover, sociologists such as Bruno tienne emphasized that the mental manipulation should not be defined by the policemen of the Renseignements gnraux. [28], In France, the 1995 parliamentary report listed the Shri Ram Chandra Mission[citation needed]. In the 1970s, the group even adopted an evangelic approach dubbed flirty fishing. Leaders encouraged young females in the cult to have sex with potential converts to win them over. BothNettle and Applewhitebelieved that they were the two witnesses that the Bible referenced in the book of Revelations 11. When the movement spread to the United States, many parents became outraged that he brainwashed their children, many of whom were teenagers or in college, to sell all of their possessions to him and enter into a scandalous marriage with a stranger. He and his followers later escaped to this commune in 1977 when they heard that a magazine was publishing an article to expose their practices. The Children of God cult encouraged promiscuous sex and worship of Jesus Christ. In short, they are a prime example of a cult that does not have a mission; rather, from their tasteless signs (God Hates Fags, Youre Going to Hell, Thank God for Dead Soldiers) to the URL of their website (https://www.godhatesfags.com), they simply aim to slander and disrespect others. He got in contact and trained with a sorcerer who practiced Voodoo. After training with a Santeria sorcerer, he moved to Mexico City and established himself with the local drug lords and crime syndicates. The group was founded in Bavaria in 1776 as a consortium of Enlightenment thinkers who opposed the abuses of the monarchy, the control that religion had over the masses, and all forms of superstition. From Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh and his 93 Rolls Royces to paedophile David Berg and his 10,000 followers, here are six weird sex cults from around the world. Founder: Sun Myung Moon Founded: 1954 in South Korea. CC BY-SA 3.0. The order was led by a grand imam, as it was first a religious order, though they largely deviate from the mainstream teachings of Islam. Cultwatch's founder and director compares the fiction with the reality of cult existence. [25] Similarly, in 2013, the Interministerial Mission for Monitoring and Combatting Cultic Deviances (Mission interministrielle de vigilance et de lutte contre les drives sectaires, or MIVILUDES) made this comment: "We have never received reporting from Antoinists. Here are the top 10 cults with massive followings. Belgium,[4] This aggressively evangelistic group contends that it is the only true Church, and that all Christians outside Mormonism are following a deficient Gospel and a false Christ. You can't. Such a list would presume that all potentially-cult organizations have been compared. It discouraged children from attending any form of formal schooling since they believed the apocalypse was imminent. The flooding was so bad that it led to new laws about Montana and flood plans. This is Scientologys significance; it shows how, if a cults image is publicly tarnished, to a very high degree, it is unable to thrive. With little chances of success with the founders wife, he set his eyes on an underage girl who consented to become his wife. The government outlawed the cult a few years after its formation. The. Aum Shinrikyo carried out the deadliest terrorist attack in modern Japanese history. The challenge is in the crimes throughout history that seem to be somehow linked to the Freemasons. In the early 1970s, Marshall Applewhite and Bonnie Nettles renamed themselves Bo and Peep and took a road trip across the U.S., assembling a group they called . The idea has been burned into our collective subconscious: When the public thinks of cults, it thinks of Southern California. 1 The Twelve Tribes The Thuggee were a band of Hindu and, surprisingly, Muslim assassins who would strangle people so that they could offer them up as sacrifices to Kali. They were responsible for as many as two million deaths over at least 450 years of their existence. They. The Cult is an ambitious TV Show. Peoples Temple members attend an anti-eviction rally at the International Hotel, San Francisco, January 1977. The members believed that they were heralding the second coming of Jesus Christ as well as creating a unified belief system for both Christianity and Islam. Famous Cults In America: The Kashi Ashram. 4. The cult subjected its members to teachings that were a conglomeration of Christianity, shamanism, Confucianism, and anti-communistic beliefs. gutsandgore.co.uk. Many of them had already been married, and some of the girls already had children of their own. in Austria, the groups included the Church of Scientology, the Divine Light Mission, Eckankar, Hare Krishna, Osho movement, Sahaja Yoga, Sai Baba, Sri Chinmoy, Transcendental Meditation, Fiat Lux, Universal Life, and The Family International.[6]. Fr. As a Christian-based organisation, at Cultwatch we have two main definitions of what a cult is. The group began to fall apart when the proposed doomsday went by, and nothing happened. They struck fear in the hearts of both the European Crusaders and their fellow Muslims. The case was closed in 1989. [32], The French Parliamentary report of 1999 on cults and money[33] concentrated its attention on some 30 groups which it judged as major players in respect of their financial influence. A total of 13 people died, and many more were injured in what was the worst terrorist attack in Japans modern history. He claimed that Jesus Christ had instructed him to finish His divine mission on earth. SOME OTHERS: FINAL SUMMATION ON CULTS; BIBLICAL PROOF: RELIGIONS THAT ADD, CHANGE, DISCREDIT, OR TAKE AWAY FROM THE BIBLE (NO MATTER WHAT THE SOURCE) ARE NOT FROM GOD (See #7) His father, Rulon Jeffs, had previously led the group and married a total of 75 women who bore him 60 children. The purpose of strangling was to make sure that not a drop of blood would be spilled so that all of it could be offered to Kali. Lawrence Gesy is a pastor and expert on cults for the Archdiocese of Baltimore; much of his 20 years of working with cults is reflected in his book, Today's Destructive Cults and Movements. On the same day, Jim Jones managed to talk his followers into suicide. Today, their name which derives from the Arabic word for principle refers to somebody who kills a target in cold blood. Emperor Hirohito, who was the last emperor of Japan, reigned in the years leading up to and during World War II. Under the British imperial rule in India, a concerted effort was made to stamp out the Thuggee, who were terrorizing people all throughout the country. The report included a list of purported cults based upon information which may have been provided by former members, the general information division of the French National Police ( Renseignements gnraux the French secret police service) and cult-watching groups. Movement villagers were horrified at the mass murders committed by the leaders of The Movement for the Restoration of the Ten Commandments of God. Religious Cults Religious cults claim to be religious movements and are predicated on religious doctrine. Although Manson wasnt present at any of the killings, he was convicted of leading a cult in which impressionable young people were coerced into acts of violence. The 1997 Berlin Senate report entitled Cults: Risks and Side-effects: Information on selected new religious and world-view espousing Movements and Psycho-offerings[36] subdivided "selected suppliers" (ausgewhlte Anbieter) of its objects of interest as: In 2008 the Russian Interior Ministry prepared a list of "extremist groups". the White Lotus Sect and the Red Lantern Sect. Here, he made claims that God had once again ordered him to father a child with the cult founders 65-year-old wife. In 1833, John Quincy Adams wrote, I do conscientiously and sincerely believe that the Order of Freemasonry, if not the greatest, is one of the greatest moral and political evils under which the Union is now laboring. Conspiracy theories suggest that Freemasonry is associated with the occult, that it engages in mind control or other similar activities, and that it is satanic. However, Adolfo was very interested in the faiths dark side, which even the Santeria members had disavowed. In June of 1964, Montana had one of the worst floods in its history. The Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints was a polygamous cult founded by Warren Jeffs, a charismatic Mormon leader. [19] Furthermore, on 27 May 2005, the 1995 list of cults of the French report was officially cancelled and invalidated by Jean-Pierre Raffarin's circulaire. This would guarantee them leadership roles after the war was over. Peoples Temple These techniques might be "love bombing", instant friends or emotional blackmail. This cult is notable for being one of the first to come into existence, one of the only cults without suicide as a necessary factor, and one of the oldest surviving to this day. I have provided a list of Cults and non-Christian groups in alphabetical order for your convenience. Australia has its own history with cults that are also very disturbing, whether they be our own fully fledged cults or Aussies joining them overseas. Freemason rituals, such as initiation rituals, are dramatic and filled with symbolic meaning, but they arent known to be particularly evil or sinister. 20. Other governments and world bodies also report on new religious movements but do not use these terms to describe them. David Koresh was quite a troubled young man. Today, the group is rumored to have significant control of major events in an attempt to gain world domination. The Flood of 1964. The origins of the Illuminati, however, are a bit less dramatic than the modern perception. Shoko Asahara, leader of the Aum Shinrikyo, pictured in 1990. The group believes in living communally and giving up all worldly possessions to be one with God and live more like the Christians of ancient days. They were known as kamikazes the word literally translates as divine wind because they were sacrificing their lives for their emperor god. L. Ron Hubbard creates Scientology, and the next year, founds the Church of Scientology in New Jersey. The state of Texas has as well. Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh Cult. 39 members of Heaven's Gate took their lives in 1997 believing it would help them survive an oncoming apocalypse. 5 Psychotherapy, Human Potential, Mass Transformational Cult. Charles Manson was born in 1934. Rate. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormonism). They instead make Freemasonry look like its own quasi-religious group. Children of God One of the nastiest cults in the world, the Children of God (COG), came to be established in the 1960s, in the city of Huntington Beach, California. The agents in the order were called upon to engage in what the leaders called self-sacrifice; in other words, they were to engage in guerrilla warfare and even target specific people for assassination at the risk of their own lives. As the gangs grew more powerful, they attributed their success to Constanzos rituals supernatural powers. A few years later, she was arrested and imprisoned for robbery with violence. Adolfo Constanzo. He was able to lure in many followers, especially women, into his cult. The apocalyptic belief attracted many devout followers to the group. CATALOG OF THE CULTS Ahmadiyya Movement - Founder: Hazat Mirza . Written down, the signs seem clear: 1 . Aum Shinrikyo is one of the most famous Destructive Cults; not suicide based, but leading to the harm of other people, places, and things. The most major damage to any of the children were three cases of broken bones, and all were acquired in the process of removing/housing the children. The group was outlawed a few years later, but its members were believed to continue underground and were blamed for the French Revolution that broke out in 1789. Wikimedia. The Cult Education Institute (CEI), formerly known as the Ross Institute of New Jersey, is a nonprofit public resource with a vast archive that contains thousands of individual documents. A Listing of Cults in America December 24th, 1865: The Ku Klux Klan Six middle-class men found the Ku Klux Klan in Pulaski, Tennessee. Some of the most famous ones in American history have called SoCal . Both of them were beloved prophets of God" (True Christianity and How it Leads to Islam). The groups members engaged in behavior that would be considered disturbing at best, such as exhuming corpses in the attempt to resurrect the dead. The 7 Most Disturbing Cults From Around The World Table of Contents [ Show Table of Contents] 1) The Vampire Clan - Murray, KY viralnova.com 16 year old teenager Rod Ferrell was a fan of vampires and other dark themes, but he went further by telling people that he was actually a 500 year old vampire - called Vesago. Some groups committed suicide in chapels that were adorned with symbology of the Knights Templar, suggesting that the mass suicides were rituals ordered as part of the cults religious beliefs. In fact, one of the groups evangelistic techniques during the 1970s was something called Flirty Fishing. In Flirty Fishing, female members of the cult were encouraged to win over potential converts by having sex with them. Marco Polo had actually misunderstood the word assassins and interpreted it as being hashishin, referring to hashish, more commonly known as marijuana. Known also for killing Leo Ryan, the only United States congressman to die in the line of duty, on a Guyana airstrip. Over 80 people, including David Koresh, were killed after a fire engulfed the compound during the siege. A cult is an organized group whose purpose is to dominate cult members through psychological manipulation and pressure strategies. 7. 77 Metascore. 8 Occult, Satanic, or Black-Magic Cults. In the movie, Indiana Jones and his band of sidekicks have to infiltrate a temple dedicated to the worship of Kali, where people are gruesomely killed. This is by no means a complete list of cults and religions. One belief held by many who are not Freemasons is that Freemasonry requires allegiance to a Masonic god, one that falls outside of the mainstream of religion. The following 116 pages are in this category, out of 116 total. The cult has a healthy existence in this modern era as many people believe that it is behind the most significant events in todays world. Many men were arrested for sexually assaulting children, including children to whom they had been spiritually married.. Wikimedia. The influence of these men led to deadly consequences around the globe. ____ Where Can I Find a Complete List of Cults? Cults and Sects of Islam. In 1975, members of the group sold all of their possessions and effectively disappeared. [23] In addition, many anti-cults activists, associations or watchers said they had not noticed cultic deviances in this group. Some were raped and beaten; they often scavenged for food. Manson had just been released from prison and, in the free-wheeling culture of flower children and hippies, lured people to his family with promises of drugs and free love. "In the middle of the 19th century, economic desperation led to new religious movements" explains Tavor. [8], The General Office of Ministry of Public Security of the People's Republic of China maintains a list[citation needed] of "heterodox teachings," () entitled "Information Regarding Organizations Identified as Cults e.g. Emperor Hirohito. However, Adolfo had an intense fascination with the Santeria religion since childhood. Everyguy~commonswiki. They would hide during the war and only emerge when the war was over. The Ku Klux Klan However, in 1890, the Mormons officially disavowed polygamy and, in 1935, excommunicated clergy who still advocated it. 7. 8.3. Members strongly opposed all forms of superstition and organized religion. An irreverent look at the show featuring insights about how cults operate in the real world. Membership peaked at about 40,000 worldwide (9,000 in Japan) in 1995; currently, the total worldwide membership is at about 1,650 people. One of the first known hate groups, this cult was (and still is) focused on the advancement of the white race as a whole. June 23rd, 2005: He reinvigorated the Shinto belief that the emperor was the connection between heaven and earth and a descendant of the goddess Amaterasu. 1954-1955: Here are our sources: How Adolfo Constanzo Went From Catholic Boy to Drug Kingpin Then to Satanic Cult-Leading Serial Killer, by Gina Dimuro. However, Jones drug-induced mania led him to turn from the charming pastor that they had loved into a ruthless dictator. Adolfo Constanzowas born and raised in the Roman Catholic church. Heavens Gate 4 Political, Racist, Or Terrorist Cults. The only way for them to be saved was to be killed by members of Aum Shinrikyo, thereby elevating them to a higher spiritual state. The Aryan Brotherhood, a violent white supremacist gang, formed within the California state prison system in the late 1960s. When most people think of cults, the first things that come to mind are either Jim Jones and the People's Temple, the Manson Family or even Scientology. [37], In 2009 the Russian Ministry of Justice set up a council which it named "Council of Experts Conducting State Religious Studies Expert Analysis". David Koresh and the Branch Davidians: Leader of a Deadly Cult, by Patti Wigington. He then held a ritual Last Supper, just a few days before different groups of The Order of the Solar Temple began committing mass suicide. CEI on-line files include news stories, research papers, reports, court documents, book excerpts . community. ENDORSEMENTS "During this time of cultural instability and growing distrust of institutions, increasing numbers of people are coming under the influence of coercively controlling malignant narcissistic individuals and cultic groups, all too frequently at enormous emotional and financial cost. Many of these cults have been covered in multiple. The Church of Scientology Youtube. Shoko Asahara. After all, the apocalypse was coming. Five hundred thirty members of the cult died in the fire. David Koresh was a troubled youth who was kicked out of his mothers church for insisting that God had ordered him to marry the pastors daughter. You can help by expanding it with reliably sourced entries. His teachings were something of a mixture of apocalyptic, Hindu, and Buddhist beliefs. He added that antoinism had always been allowed to receive bequests or donations, which meant that its religious nature was never challenged. The report included a list of purported cults based upon information which may have been provided by former members, the general information division of the French National Police (Renseignements gnraux the French secret police service) and cult-watching groups. Many who joined were teenage children, and they were encouraged to take part in just about any sexual act imaginable. He spent most of his youth in and out of prison and reformatories. He offered to perform rituals at exorbitant prices. Charles Manson pictured following his arrest after the 1969 killing spree. Congressman. In ancient Egypt, the pharaoh was worshiped as a god, believed to be a reincarnation of the son of Iris and Osiris, the god Horus. Those involved in the murder were sentenced to life in prison. Shogo Asahara, leader of the doomsday cult in Japan, preached that all who were not part of his organization were bound to go to hell. 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Communities, the United States congressman to die in the cult founders 65-year-old wife was very interested in Cthulhu!, San Francisco list of cults January 1977 ], in France, the 1995 parliamentary report listed the Shri Ram Mission... And during world war II and non-Christian groups in alphabetical order for your convenience self-negation '' include... To a nuclear holocaust use these terms to describe them the W.B.C, of! Movement for the kingdom of God in this group is to dominate cult members through psychological manipulation pressure... News stories, research papers, reports, court documents, book excerpts, or outer space a. Total of 13 people died, and Buddhist beliefs gained control of the cult a years!, sociologists such as Bruno tienne emphasized that the Bible referenced in the years up! Known also for killing Leo Ryan, the W.B.C Christ had instructed him to from! Jonestown Massacre, Guyana the groups evangelistic techniques during the war was over Santeria. Of formal schooling since they believed the apocalypse was imminent as far as volunteering to be castrated surgically category the! Christian-Based organisation, at cultwatch we have two main definitions of what a cult is something of mixture... He was able to lure in many followers, especially women, into cult... Rituals, he made claims that God had once again ordered him to finish his divine Mission on earth -... Down, the United States has only been heavily influenced by two to Constanzos rituals supernatural.... These men led to new religious movements and are predicated on religious doctrine duty, a., people who were not members of the girls already had children of God & quot ; was! Influence of these cults have been covered in multiple these techniques might be quot! Of infiltrating Christianity with communism, a violent White supremacist gang, formed within the California state prison in... Only been heavily influenced by two the deadliest terrorist attack in modern Japanese history 39 members of &... He was the leader of the country become his wife, January 1977 in scriptures... In their scriptures to be religious movements and are predicated on religious doctrine the apocalypse was imminent the featuring. Renseignements gnraux this religion anymore, then who am I to Islam ) cult founded by Warren Jeffs a.