For the next them. It was clear that the mission couldnt when others arent as bright and forthcoming succeed without your civic skills and knowledge. YouDelve lore that are related to exploring strange are trained in defense tasks of that type.places and using numenera. 6 You had a partner who also enjoyed crafting, but there was an accident and they died. Action. 4 You are known as a seller of strange gadgets and once even made your living doing so. This benefit is ongoing while you remain in your allies company. damage on all targets within short range. Order of Truth, page 215 planning than anyone around you. $59.99 (hardcover); $19.99 (PDF), Numenera Corebook Slipcase Set The PCs were looking for someone like free level of Effort. (If you arent trained Group Friendship (4 Intellect points): You in an attack, select Skill With Attacks to convince a sentient creature to regard become trained in that attack.) Choose one of the three options described below as the source of your skills (or create your own). He puts 5 of his something new, something that no one elseadditional points into his Intellect Pool and has seen before. the crafting task, they also increase the cypher destroys it before it can produce the amount of time required to craft the desired effect. Enabler. Enabler. It was rough childhood, or you might celebrate your strangeon you, too, but where so many others failed, education and embrace opportunities to learnyou succeeded. You can assemble basic 21of information, plans, knowledge, and even components when youre half asleep just bysome physical know-how dripped into your using muscle memory. This is if you want to inflict 4 points of damage, for difficult or strange things beyond those thats a difficulty 4 task (the training that readily identified by using the numenera comes with this ability eases the task). Weapons: You can use light weapons once unless its description says otherwise. happen to you too, and your basic nature is suppressed for a time. You Effort, page 23 can keep track of these in the Special AbilitiesFirst-tier Delves have the following abilities. In addition, if you different inspired technique from the same use an action to concentrate on a machine, lower tier. is not attacked or otherwise threatened. machine, cypher, artifact, or other numenera merely gaining one. Once fashioned, the adapted iotum Expert Cypher Use: You can bear four some vermin wards, lasts for about a minute or until used cyphers at a time. Each time you familiarize the Special Abilities partnavigation, perception, sensing danger, creature yourself with a new area, you lose focus on of your character sheet.knowledge, initiative, peacefully opening a previous area unless you spend 1 XP to Community stats,communications with strangers, or tracking. Before selecting your weapons, armor, and other skill, a crafter can learn You get 6 additional points to divide among gear, you might want to wait until after youve specific skills in order chosen your abilities, descriptor, and focus. Your experience has shown that Dedication Brings Rewards: You tend to cooperation generates greater benefits for practice things over and over. You can wear any kind of armor. You saw the other PCs struggling to overcomeyour adaptability when you were younger, and a problem and selflessly joined them to theyve asked you to come along on a new 3. Related products. He has also served as the global brand manager for Dungeons & Dragons and headed up the marketing department at the UKs Esdevium Games, one of the worlds largest game distributors. Quick Mind Boost: You can siphon the residual energy in a single iotum to enhance your Intellect Edge by +1 for one minute. Its why youre genuinely rather thanon. Add to Wishlist. Perhaps when the time comes, you will Aeon priest, page 264 compounds and drugs, or extradimensional consider taking on an intern of your own, not enhancementsthat makes you smarter and only to pay back whats been given to you but Qi, page 144 more able to see the implications of long-term because through teaching comes discovery. Unseen Among the People (4+ Intellect Discipline of Watchfulness (7 Intellect points): You become effectively unseen for points): You keep your allies on their toes ten hours while you are within an allied with occasional questions, jokes, and community. pressure plate, or a creatures natural ability lores (or a lore from a lower tier) to add to (something special, innate, and dangerous, your repertoire. On the other hand, a well- page 62are predetermined, usually chosen by the PC cared-for pet grants an asset to a PCs taskswhen they gain the follower. But these are usually secondary goals, convenient in that a Delves in the Group: A Delve isnt so much long-distance trip allows them to find more a leader as a scout, though some Delves do previously unexplored locations. Each time counter an action (like moving or making you select it, you must choose a different a conventional, mundane attack with a type of attack. This ability does not allow you to enhance your Edge by more than +1. Initial Link to the Starting Adventure: From Of course, if youre going to satisfy your the following list of options, choose how you curiosity, you need to be careful. For example, you can Numenera Plans: You gain two additional detonate a cypher even when it is held by someone else, or cause an installation turret numenera plans of your choice. Action to initiate. The people of this world live in a medieval-like statebut one illuminated by the "magic" of the prior worlds. bring light to the growing period, all your interaction tasks gain an community at night, asset. Action. You can gain Modification, page 17 Add 3 to the functioning level of a cypher the benefit of this inspired technique even that you activate with your next action, if youre not in the community, as long as Community Builder, or change one aspect of its parameters you have visited within the last three days. Roll Background 1 Your mother praised your artistic talent as a child, but you chose to give it up in favor of crafting. Free level of Effort, Community Explorer: While you are Find the Way: When you apply Effort to a page 103present within a community, and actively navigation task because you dont know theand personally working on behalf of that way, are lost, are attempting to blaze a new Iotum, page 107community, the communitys effective rank for route, need to choose between two or morepurposes of finding resources, locating new otherwise similar paths to take, or something Though the Wright andtrade routes, knowing about conditions just very similar, you can apply a free level of Delve both have thebeyond the community, and detecting sneak effort. In addition, while the crowd COMMUNITY-DEPENDENT is around you, you can use an action to ABILITIES The mere existence of exhort them to attack all enemies within an understood course short range, dealing 1 point of damage to Some Arkus abilities rely on the character of actiona strategy each creature and object in the area. You can for a victim trying to struggle free (if a take this ability multiple times, each time snare). Enabler. A new foe enters the fray, but better panoramas of imagination.your current foe mistakes it for your ally andattacks it instead of you. Demanding the utmost of those around you can be challenging in and of itself. Might 9 one weapon, an explorers pack, a book about crafting, three cyphers (chosen by the Numenera plans, Speed 7 GM), one oddity (chosen by the GM), a box page 135 of crafting tools, and 5 shins (coins). Another PC asked you to take part in themission because they felt it would fail withoutyou.Numenera plans, CHEERFUL Skill: Youre trained in tasks related to page 135 finding out about both current events and Happy and optimistic, you rarely feel down. This inspired techniques, youstat Pools. The GM can head start to get away from serious trouble. You can use your hindered actionGM intrusion, immediately even if you have already taken a Delves Fortitude (4 Might points): If you page 123 turn in the round. Builder, page 25 SIXTH-TIER WRIGHT Faster Builder: When you attempt a 27 crafting task, you lower the assessed Sixth-tier Wrights have the following abilities: difficulty for creating a complex object Numenera Plans: You gain two additional or structure by two steps. Thus, to attempt to command a level 5 target (three levels above the normal limit), you must apply three levels of Effort. Action. ask the GM one question to gain an idea of Followers, page 17 Scorn Harm: You ignore the impaired its level, its capabilities, what it eats, what condition and treat the debilitated motivates it, what its weaknesses are (if The GM may require condition as impaired. they attempt on their next turn is eased, and a hit deals 3 additional points of damage. Those who seek out and master the numenera may find wealth and power. Enabler. You gain the following benefits: You gain the following benefits: Observer: +4 to your Intellect Pool. violence when bad elements confronted you. Modifications, page 17working on behalf of the community for it togain this benefit; it gains it merely because of SIXTH-TIER JACKyour past defense of the community. You gain some of your inspired use destroys the iotum. Trained in Armor: You can wear armor for long periods of time without tiring and can compensate for slowed reactions fromThe GM may allow wearing armor. Check out the free preview. Numenera - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The entire package has a wonderful, deluxe feelbut at no more cost than purchasing the two corebooks individually. by up to Enabler. notice that everyone seems to avoid the well in the eastern courtyard for some reason. What will you build? This free fiction title focuses on the narrative concepts to help new and experienced Numenera players . your stat Pools however you wish. The asset doesnt apply to one day, found yourself. Enabler. understand that only through cooperation Skill: Youre trained in tasks related to can groups of people remain happy and enduring trials of mind and body. Action. weapon. secrets within the community where you live. Charles M. Ryan has written or contributed to titles in nearly every class of tabletop gameboard games, card games, trading card games, miniature games, and roleplaying gamesover a 25-year career in the game industry. and decrease the number of units required by applying additional Effort. A silver-tongued Arkus like mold. Monte still needs to pick a descriptor and a focus. You know how to interact with large Initial Link to the Starting Adventure: From groups and work the crowd. the targets nature or express duty (such as Infer Thoughts (4 Intellect points): If you asking a guard to let an intruder pass), the interact with or study a target for at least a suggestion fails. The missionrequires someone with your skills to succeed.More times than CURIOUS Skill: You see things others miss. One of the other PCs said theyd help youbecomes a useful idea or something you write, if you helped them.paint, or draw. Delves need to be atan hour, an injector that restores 4 Might, and least a little skilled at a lot of things. You cannot use this in and actively working on behalf of the clever with a mundane more than one time per area per 28 hours. For his second inspired that some crafters have come to depend on?technique, he chooses Deconstruct so he has Delves arent fools; they take precautions, anda better chance of gaining the iotum he needs theyre not immune to fear. That said, descriptors provided in this book, like Civic Meddlesome Forward-Thinking, Meddlesome, and Serene, allow players to create characters with traits Committed Nurturing they couldnt replicate using Numenera Discovery alone. Molina Fel Timo. Your next non-combat interaction are hindered.action gains an asset. In choose plans for objects and structures addition, you gain one additional iotum Assessed difficulty for that have a lower minimum crafting level. Monte decides to forgo armor of any sort, so for his first Delve lore, he chooses Trained Without Armor, which makes him trained in Speed defense tasks when hes not wearing armor. Delves have a special relationship with the iotum. You dont know who or what has been responsible for providing them. are relying on your influence. Because youre forward- thinking, people may come to you for advice.A character who is Exacting isnt necessarily thought of in a bad light by other PCs. If you leave the You can ask the GM one question and Follower, page 17 allies company for more than 28 hours, get a general answer. Numenera Discovery gives youmore options, clearer rules, new adventure content, and expanded coverage of the Steadfast and the Beyond. Enabler. Your commitment to your cause seems to overlap some aspect of what the other PCs want to accomplish.42CHARACTER DESCRIPTORMost characters who are Cultured were raised in large cities, but some grew up inspecial circumstances that provided a similar benefit, such as being tutored by an automaton designed to provide a high education. Action to initiate, one minute or one from your Intellect Pool, you can spend hour to complete. If he is personally present and actively using his abilities on a communitys behalf, the community gains several benefits of knowledge about things beyond its walls, the ability to sense sneak attacks, and more. 1. prized by others. 3 One of your parents was a minor official, with access to many privileges and much information. Community Scholar: While you are Rampaging Beast Horde (12 Might points): present within a community, and actively You can take community actions with a and personally working on behalf of that horde or a community as if you were a rank community, the communitys health and 3 rampaging beast horde for one hour. Alternatively, you can Numenera Plans: You gain two additional swiveling machine able to choose to have this destroy the iotum, in numenera plans of your choice. The GM sets the depletion of the new artifact, if applicable (it will usually be a bit worse than the original artifact). can be salvaged (as determined by the page 110 At lower tiers, Wrights should probably GM), the salvage task gains an asset. You gain the following benefits: Purposeful: +2 to your Intellect Pool. In addition to the normal options for using Effort, you can also choose to use Effort to increase the maximum level of the target by 1 for each level applied. modifications. At least, thats what some accused you of after it was all over and the dead were counted. In addition, you can replace one have bonded with, including installations, Sferic, page 275 of your lower-tier inspired techniques with a intelligent or otherwise. could trigger an iotum to make a loud bang Phasing gloves, page 184 Default Starting Cyphers and Oddity: Your and flash; and so on. Initial Link to the Starting Adventure: Fromthe following list of options, choose how you You gain the following benefits:became involved in the first adventure. Enabler. In addition, you can replace one long periods of time without tiring and of your first-tier inspired techniques with a can compensate for slowed reactions from different inspired technique from the first tier. 1. For instance, if youclothing and a light weapon of your choice, two have a connection with the Angulan Knights,cyphers (chosen by the GM), one oddity, and you may learn of events related to mutants9 shins. convince a large number of peopleall telling others what to within long rangeto change a belief and do; it is showing others Alternatively, you can choose to advance a take a long-term action or set of actions. productive. Choose one of those three options described below as the source of your skills, knowledge, and abilities, or create your own background. Thus, the modifications.modification increases their effective level forthe associated task by one step. One your next turn. You can fit through bashing, light bladed, light ranged, any space large enough to fit your head. their normal actions on their turns. This division actually works . If you Intellect 12 start with a ranged weapon that requires Rather than there being ammunition (arrows, for example), you start a general crafting with 12 of that type of ammunition. Or Download and Print for Free You can also download a free file that contains print-optimized and form-fillable PDFs of the Numenera character sheet in several beautiful versions: The Numenera Discovery character sheet. The overviewArkus, Wright, and Delve presented in this kind of disaster. The level of the follower indicates the If a character wants a pet that can do this, Modifications, page 223number of different tasks they can help with. Sometimes, what you imagine 4. In a way, Wrights are especially good focus Explores Yesterday provides exciting at understanding and stealing the fire of creation exploration abilities to characters who arent Iotum, page 107 that burned so brightly in the civilizations that as dedicated as the Delve. 3. 8 The Amber Gleaners have been attempting to recruit you, but so far youve put them off. Simply set a difficulty level from 1 to 10 using the handy chart on page 15 and the relative "feel" guidance there. 25 can select this ability multiple times. Thats because true Glaive, page 28working together to overcome problems. This could be a weapon or device by spraying its victim held by someone, a trap triggered by a Delve Lore: Choose one of the following with a bit of wine. Wrights are the rarest of the already rare theme and be a Wright who Builds Tomorrow page 77 numenera scholars; they arent afraid of weird or a Delve who Explores Yesterday. You need Numenera Discovery to play; it includes character generation, all the basic game rules, and detailed information on the Ninth World. The game master (GM) can use this information to develop adventures and quests that are specific to your character and play a role in your advancement.8CHARACTER TYPEARKUS CONNECTIONRoll a d20 or choose from the list below to determine a specific fact about your background that provides a connection tothe rest of the world. Even when you have the ingenuity and creativity to solve a problem perfect plan for creating an amazing new they couldnt overcome. can come closest toarmor can be restrictive, Wrights can usually achieving a similar status.rely on allies or followers to help them search Wrights and the Numenera: Wrights That said, Wrights haveout a particularly difficult-to-reach or tight wouldnt exist without the numenera. Choose one of the in just the right configuration. But for you,You trust only what you can see with your own effort is what its all about. You need to gather some additional the debt.materials for something you are studying, and 3. Action. Confounding Jargon (4 Intellect points): You Inspired Techniques: Choose one of the begin to discuss the intricacies of crafting numenera, which goes completely over the following inspired techniques (or an inspired heads of most creatures but is sufficient to technique from a lower tier) to add to your distract a target within immediate range until repertoire. 3 You retain a pet automaton about the size of a breadbox with wheels that you had even as a child. You can Iotum Result Table, FOURTH-TIER DELVE apply Effort to increase the maximum level page 110 of the thing youre trying to find (each Fourth-tier Delves have the following abilities: level of Effort used this way increases the If you become trained Iotum Cache: Whenever you find or salvage maximum level by 1). You are to being industrioustrained in tasks involving perception and Youre rarely satisfied with the status quo. Iotum, page 107 Parts, page 10722CHARACTER TYPE CHOOSING PLANS scrap, machine, cypher, artifact, or other Minimum crafting level, FOR YOUR WRIGHT numenera object or structure before page 135 attempting to salvage iotum from it. DOWNLOAD NOW . In addition, you can replace Quick Wits: When performing a task thatone of your lower-tier precepts with a different would normally require spending points fromprecept from the same lower tier. Youre at your best when youre aiding people, either by explaining how 41 Initial Link to the Starting Adventure: From they can best overcome a challenge or bythe following list of options, choose how you demonstrating how to do so yourself.became involved in the first adventure. When Leads both provide the player characters page 73 something special is required, a Wright can with a unique path to leadership, even apart make it. . You got in over your head pursuing something fascinating, and the other PCs rescued you. Maybethrough your ports. 4. Action. or structures you craft are effectively 1 level page 122 higher than an average example of that Default Starting Cyphers and Oddity: Your object or structure. You reduce the Speed Effort cost for Additional Training: You are trained in two wearing armor by 1. Alternatively, you can wait for a cause to catch Instead of beating you (or worse), they told your attention in the campaign. 5 Your first love is involved in the ruling council of the community where you spent much of your youth. Enabler. your adaptability, but others dont see it as a Resilient: Youre trained in all actions that positive trait and instead see you as someone involve overcoming or ignoring the effects The descriptors provided here have been selected with an eye toward how well they might pair with the thrust of Numenera Destiny and its emphasis on leadership, creating a legacy, improving the future, and building objects of special wonder and usefulness.40CHARACTER DESCRIPTORof deprivation, sorrow, or pain. When Wrights Arkus, page 7begin to dabble in more exoticinstallations, automatons, or 19vehicles, public concern can creepin. The iotum is destroyed. conviction and its doubt are paramount. Thingsusually happen for a reason, and you excel at 3. additional crafting space Alternatively, your genetic code could have provided on the character been rewritten by engineered viruses, or the Advancement: When it comes to leadership, tissues in your body could have been reworked meeting with small convocations of your peers sheet in this book. target for at least a round, you gain a sense Improved Community Leader: A community of how its mind works, which you can use against it in the most blunt fashion continues to modify its effective rank by +1 possible. In addition, you can replace They are not restricted on their of your lower-tier lores with a different lore Enabler.from the same lower tier. page 22 (range, duration, area, etc.) Add these to Community Fixer: While you are present within Community action,your character sheet at the appropriate tier for a community, and actively and personally page 305your type, in addition to other regular benefits. He chooses the Risk-Taking descriptor, which adds +4 to his Speed Pool, gives him training at games of chance, and lets him push his luck to succeed at a difficult task (at the cost of a GM intrusion). You showed up when and where you didoutcomes, but then again, you know that after due consideration and forethought.few events are completely random. This ability can find traps of level 28 hours, if you come within short range of 4 or below. new and building up your knowledge. Some focus abilities may grant a special A tricky spy whose intelligence on enemyexception to this rule. SKU: MCG160P Categories: Digital, Numenera. Inability: You never could detect a lie. Set a billion years in our future, Numenera is a tabletop roleplaying game about exploration and discovery. Now in addition to everything else, much time in society because theyre offhe might be able to convince the GM that exploring. Every other time the GM uses this the day.ability to introduce a GM intrusion withoutgiving you XP, your heroic nature works to 2. Someone told you an impossible story time also leads to loneliness. technique from a lower tier) to add to your page 117 Choose two of the following: deceiving, repertoire. Might and Speed to deal with the challenges they face, but they need Intellect to help them Andrew still needs to pick a descriptor and salvage for iotum and other numenera items.a focus. Installation, page 154 repertoire. Action being located within an allied community improves the confidence to initiate. Whichever page 315continues to modify its effective rank for stat you modified last remains active untildamage inflicted by +1. You were end result is that building things is as naturalschooled, drilled, and cypher-fed all manner for you as breathing. They attempt this action even if this would cause them makes bird noises to break formation or to give up cover or a tactically superior position. You joined theabout this area, and you absolutely need to other PCs because you wanted some company.see for yourself to prove them wrong (orbegrudgingly let them know theyre right). Your parents realized it and delighted in challenging you with puzzles and projects. The data orb was almost your about it, you hide your true nature beneath for it. Download these free previews (a total of 42 pages from the books) for a look at the Numenera Discovery and Numenera Destiny. and plunge in wheregave them form and substance. Starting Iotum: In addition to your starting to ease tasks related to equipment, you start with 4 units of io and crafting. use additional resources equal to 10 io, the trap can instead be up to level 4, or level Quick Wits: When performing a task that 5 if you use additional resources equal to would normally require spending points 20 io. you (and up to ten creatures that you designate within immediate distance of Negate Danger (7 Intellect points): You you) positively, as they would a potential permanently negate a source of potential friend. The following abilities helped them.paint, or 19vehicles, public concern can creepin without your skills! Have a lower minimum crafting level and numenera Destiny, new Adventure content and! Pool and has seen before a single iotum to enhance your Intellect Pool more than +1 to times. His something new, something that no one elseadditional points into his Intellect Pool roleplaying game about exploration Discovery... 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