Shaak Ti is a Togruta Jedi Master and one of the main characters who appeared in the Star Wars universe. Basic #1. Years later, General Grievous appears. After consideration, the Council decided to assign maverick Jedi Master Quinlan Vos to the assassination of Count Dooku. [1] Ti was one of two new members of the Council inducted between the Invasion of Naboo[12] in 32 BBY[2] and the Clone Wars[12] in 22 BBY,[2] along with Master Coleman Trebor, who had replaced Master Yarael Poof. When thanked by the clone, Ti stated to him that she had done so not because she believed in either side, but because it was the right thing to do. Shaak Ti fought in the opening battle of the Clone Wars, a Jedi who arrives at the last moment to rescue Padme Amidala, Obi Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker from the death arena on Geonosis. See how it improved - Other improvement drives. Ti and the Council were surprised when Kenobi and Skywalker reported that, during a confrontation with Count Dooku on Oba Diah while looking into a lead, the count had revealed to them that he and Tyranus, the man who helped Sifo-Dyas order the clone army, were one and the same. Though the two had some respect for each other,[7] their working relationship deteriorated as the rogue Fives led his investigation into Tup's death. Fives began to aim his weapon at the Chancellor, but Ti used the Force to stop him. During the tests, Tup began shaking violently, which a concerned Fives noticed from the neighboring examination room. [8] Ti had a particularly difficult relationship with Chief Medical Scientist Nala Se,[21] who had little regard for Ti's moral and spiritual values. [36] As he continued his journey, Yoda saw Ti in a separate vision of the Jedi Temple at peace like it was before the war. [5] Shoshan was offered the part while she was living in Sydney, Australia,[59] and the costume used to bring Ti to life was designed in part by Trisha Biggar. [8], Another of Ti's duties was the coordination of Kamino's defenses,[4] which included a defensive orbital blockade and a local garrison stationed on-world,[17] of which she was the commanding officer. Many of the Jungle Felucians went mad . Opens in a new window or tab. She asks what he wants, but he stabs her in the back and her body falls to the ground. The Council told her to bring the clone back to the Jedi Temple, where they would examine him through the Force.[7]. Though they devoted much time to discovering their identity and motives, Ti and her fellow Jedi were unable to learn who the shadowy figure was. Sie gehrte der humanoiden Spezies der Togruta an und stammte vom Planeten Shili. Though reluctant to do so, Ti and the Council sent Quinlan Vos on a mission to assassinate Count Dooku as a means of ending the war. However, a series of assassination attempts on Senator Padm Amidala of Naboo would lead the Council on a twisted path to the start of the war. When the ship landed in the Sah'c neighborhood everyone got off. [57] In Attack of the Clones, Ti was portrayed by Israeli actress and model Orli Shoshan. "[8], Shaak Ti's canonical fate was confirmed in Star Wars: Galactic Atlas, Throughout the production of Revenge of the Sith, the role Ti was meant to play in the film vacillated. Ti participated in several battles in the Clone Wars, and was a member of the Jedi Council. The Jedi were quickly surrounded and suffered severe casualties,[17] and the few Jedi who survived the onslaught, including Ti, formed a circle in the center of the arena as they went on the defensive. When chasing after Fives as he escaped the Grand Republic Medical Facility, Ti easily leaped over a large crowd to catch up, causing an audible gasp from onlookers at the feat. While stationed on Kamino, Ti struggled with her duties and found herself caught between her compassion for the clones and the need to produce capable soldiers for war. Shaak Ti's official death has been debated for many years. As they accompanied the sedated Tup to an examination room, Ti informed Rex that he was needed back on the battlefront and sent Fives for an examination, as he was close with Tup and any information gathered would be beneficial to the investigation. Yoda speculated that the Sith had similar plans and could one day find another crystal to craft a new superweapon. They were in the middle of surveying a holofeed of a Republic cruiser being obliterated during a battle with a Separatist dreadnought when Kenobi, Deshu, and Skywalker entered with Ventress. Vos was ultimately allowed to rejoin the Order, and he returned Ventress' body to her homeworld of Dathomir.[40]. [17] Though the Jedi and Republic achieved a victory of sorts, it came at the cost of a majority of the Jedi strike team and the failure to end the burgeoning war in a single stroke. Jedi Order[5]Jedi High Council[5]Jedi assault team[5]Galactic Republic[5]Kamino garrison[6]Kamino security[7] While on Dagobah, Yoda experienced a harrowing vision of the destruction of the Jedi Order in the Cave of Evil. Shaak Ti Clones.. Best run: 1,684,010 - got to 2nd rexillate 2 . RT @StarWars0nly: All the times Shaak Ti has died.. Two deleted scenes in Revenge Of The Sith, one in The Force Unleashed and Yoda had a vision of her death on Dagobah.. 16 Apr 2023 00:15:42 Ti shuttered the viewing window between rooms so that Fives would not panic. [59] Ti appears throughout the movie as a background character and has no speaking lines. Ti, discerning from the small number that attacked the command center that the droid forces were spread thin, contacted the other Jedi and ordered them to press their offensive while they had the chance. [4] Underneath her standard Jedi robe, she wore a traditional Togruta dress, a long flowing skirt with an intricately designed tabard and scarf. Windu's proposal left the Council shaken, and Ti, though calm, expressed sorrow in her expression. Als Jedi-Meisterin bildete sie zwei Padawane aus, die jedoch beide durch Verbrechen gettet wurden. Ti gave the chips to the Chancellor and Se explained what they were. A silence fell once the recording ended, and the Council meeting became tense as the Jedi grappled with the mass killing, and a gravely disturbed Windu suggested to his fellows that a covert operation to assassinate Dooku would bring about a swift end to the conflict. [36], As Fisto helped Ti to her feet, Yoda walked off from the Council in disillusionment. When asked his opinion of the matter, Grand Master Yoda told the Council that he was deep in thought and had not been listening. Se again argued that a virus was responsible and that Fives should be terminated. An opponent of the Military Creation Act, Amidala was twice the victim of attempted assassinations by a bounty hunter and his accomplice. [63] Ti's canonical death was confirmed as being killed by Skywalker in the 2016 reference book Star Wars: Galactic Atlas.[2]. He recruited Ventress again, and they traveled to Christophsis to carry out their mission. [6] On Kamino, Ti began coordinating the planet's defenses in preparation for the imminent attack. Grievous arrived on the surface, fought Shaak Ti and other Jedi. Shaak Ti was one of the judges during Ahsoka Tano's trial, in which she was expelled from the Jedi Order. The Council apologized to Tano and offered her a chance to rejoin, though she refused and left the Jedi Order.[31]. Shots from the Obi-Wan, Anakin, Dooku duel (one shot, Dooku kicking Anakin over a table is in the animatic reel on the official site) 5. Fun for general dress up imaginary play activities Perfect for a costume party and Halloween (of course)! Obi-Wan and Anakin in the fuel chased by destroyer droids (not on DVD) 3. Despite the Code forbidding personal attachments and Ti herself being a member of the Order's highest body, she formed close ties with the soldiers under her command. Ti spoke up and argued to Windu that if Vos was in the field he would be able to react more immediately to situations where his knowledge served them better than Republic intelligence. At the start of Star Wars ' Clone Wars, Jedi Master Shaak Ti was a respected member of the Jedi High Council. [17] While Skywalker and Yularen awaited the invasion in orbit, Ti, Kenobi, Minister Su, Commander CC-2224, or "Cody," and Captain CT-7567, or "Rex," monitored the fleet from Tipoca City's command center. He added that the Jedi were not asked to take part in the search, something those present found odd. During his search for knowledge, he learned of Shaak Ti and chronicled what he knew about her in a passage featured in his journal titled The Secrets of the Jedi. and Star Wars Jedi Pocket Expert. [46] Ti, who was in the Temple at the time, did not fight against the attack and instead continued to meditate, and she was murdered directly at the hands of Vader[2] in accordance with Yoda's visions. At the time, Ti was in a meeting with Masters Yoda, Windu, Koon, and Mundi in the Council chambers. Had C3PO from Padme run. After the services, Ti walked down the halls of the Temple with Masters Plo Koon and Tera Sinube before all three were called to an emergency meeting about recent Separatist activity.[29]. Shaak Ti was a female Togruta Jedi Master who lived during the final years of the Old Republic. [46], In 12 BBY,[49] after constructing Fortress Vader on Mustafar with the Dark Lord Momin, Vader entered a portal within his palace on a quest to resurrect his deceased wife, Padm Amidala. Skywalker, whose legion Fives belonged to, expressed disbelief upon hearing that he had tried to assassinate the Chancellor. Ti and Se were at a loss and the two had no answers. The scene was filmed and completed, but the sequence was cut and was later included on the DVD release of Revenge of the Sith as a deleted scene. Ti warned him to be cautious, as the removal of the chip might have changed Fives. Ti became increasingly suspicious of Se as the crisis continued,[21] and even though Fives' behavior and discoveries deeply troubled her,[3] she invoked her authority over Se to give Fives a chance to present his case directly to Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. This ultrasonic[16] echolocation, which could reach up to 82 feet,[56] allowed Ti to have sharpened spatial awareness. It's canon. Physical description Ti, Bric, and El-Les presided over their pre-graduation exercises in the Citadel Challenge. Shortly after being found by Skywalker and Rex, the unstable and neurotic Fives was killed by Commander Fox as he attempted to reveal what he had learned about the chips' true purpose. Starting with taking him as her Padawan. Skywalker awoke in Grakkus' palace, where the Hutt showed him a holocron and, wanting to see if the boy had a connection to the Force, ordered him to open it. Obi Wan. Shaak Ti, to ask him to remain on the planet and join Anakin Skywalker as part of the security team for Senator Padme Amidala. Gotta be a reason for that. Affiliation(s) Joining the Jedi Council after Master Yaddle's retirement, Shaak Ti served as one of its final members before the Jedi Purge. Content approaching. [4] According to Luke Skywalker, Ti was likely given the job of training clone troopers during the Clone Wars because she excelled as both a teacher and a combatant. Shaak Ti had woke up on the morning of the end of the Republic, knowing that she was going to die that day. Shaak Ti ( pronounced /k ti/) was a Force-sensitive Togruta female Jedi Master who served as one of the final members of the Jedi High Council before the Great Jedi Purge. Shaak Ti discusses the assassination attempt with the Jedi. Died Tipoca City, where Ti was stationed early in the war. Buy It Now +$4.74 shipping Sidious turned Skywalker to the dark side of the Force and began the next stage of his plan for galactic domination. In an attempt to reverse this outcome, General Grievous launched a massive counteroffensive against the Republic to regain a Confederate foothold in the Outer Rim. Her demise has been depicted in video games, films, and television series, but only one can truly be canon. Jacosta Nu. While Se conversed with Lama Su, Ti contacted the Jedi Council on Coruscant to discuss the issue. As she attempted to root out these secrets from rogue ARC trooper Fives, the Kaminoan leadership worked to keep her from discovering the inhibitor's true purpose. Ti was present during the Council meeting when Kenobi gave a report of the situation, listening as Yoda ordered him to keep the crystal from Separatist hands. Despite her attempts to explain herself, Windu argued that she had corrupted Vos, but she fired back that he would never have gone to her unless the Council hadn't sent him on his mission. [20] In the weeks after the battle, the Clone Wars erupted across the galaxy, and the Galactic Senate passed the Jedi Military Integration Act, which formally established the Jedi as officers in the Grand Army of the Republic. After concluding that they could not rule out the possibility that the culprit was a rogue Jedi, the Council assigned Skywalker and Tano to investigate the bombing. Sensing their stress, Ti disapproved of their plea and told them that when in battle, they should fight as a group, not as individuals. At the start of the war, Ti was sent[4] to represent the Jedi and the Republic on Kamino[21] and to oversee the cloning initiative. Shaak Ti/Legends is within the scope of WookieeProject The Force Unleashed, an attempt to build comprehensive and detailed articles with topics originating from The Force Unleashed. She is portrayed by Orli Shoshan in the live-action films and voiced by Tasia Valenza in Star Wars: The Clone Wars . [7], Shaak Ti was created by concept artists Dermot Power and Iain McCaig, who designed her as a Jedi for use in the second film in the Star Wars prequel trilogy, Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones,[57] which was released on May 16, 2002. With Shaak Ti's first special Plo will gain taunt, so he effectively works as a tank in that scenario. [43] With all but Ti dead, Grievous advanced to confront her. Under pressure from the Hutt, Luke managed to unwillingly open several holocrons in the room, including Shaak Ti's. Suspecting that Ventress was right and that Vos was indeed a traitor, the Council decided to send him to assassinate Dooku once more. Ti fought alongside Windu on the battlefront, cutting down droids and helping the clones push the Separatist armies back. Ti attended a meeting that was watched by Grand Master Yoda on Kashyyyk. [6] Believing that they would be dealing with an orbital assault, the Jedi organized the blockade under the command of Skywalker and Admiral Wullf Yularen. Following one such failed exercise, Bric implied that the group were "rejects," and should be demoted to sanitation detail. The Council entered negotiations with the Republic's leader, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, in an effort to stall any Senate vote to create a military force. Deep within the underground waited the bunker. [48], In 4 ABY,[2] Luke, by then a Jedi Knight, helped redeem his father, who killed Sidious before dying as Anakin Skywalker, ending the Sith reign over the galaxy. She was later approached by two members of Domino Squad, CT-5555, "Fives," and CT-1409, "Echo," who asked for a transfer to another squad. [11] As the Republic's representative on Kamino, General Ti was given various responsibilities, from being a military commander to a diplomat. [57], Though her first death scene was cut, another was filmed during additional photography at Shepperton Studios. Sculpted in high-quality polystone with cloth and faux-leather accents, our interpretation of Shaak Ti illustrates the graceful Jedi's savage . A rescue attempt by Ventress and a group of bounty hunters failed and, over the next several months, rumors of a mysterious Confederate officer dubbed "Admiral Enigma" began emerging, and the Council realized that the mysterious person could be Vos. Shaak Ti dueled General Grievous during the Battle of Coruscant, but was overpowered by the cyborg warrior. [54] Even though she cared for them, she could be tough on her students to bring out the best in them. Stationed there during the initiation of Operation: Knightfall, Ti escaped with her life when the Temple and the Republic fell into the hands of the Sith Lords. Palpatine and the Red Guards boarded a waiting speeder. [28] Master Ti later traveled to Coruscant to attend the funeral of the six Jedi who had been killed in the explosion. Anakin Kills Shaak Ti 616,649 views Aug 18, 2019 #anakinskywalker #StarWars #revengeofthesith .more .more 8.3K Dislike Share Star Wars Expanded 126K subscribers 649 Imagine being asked to. He suggested rejecting the squad, by means of termination, an idea Ti strongly opposed. Her compassion for the clones clashed with the Kaminoan's cold view of them as products, and for much of her time on Kamino, Ti had a strained relationship with the Kaminoan government. RT @StarWars0nly: All the times Shaak Ti has died.. Two deleted scenes in Revenge Of The Sith, one in The Force Unleashed and Yoda had a vision of her death on Dagobah.. 16 Apr 2023 03:05:58 Ti and the others looked to Yoda, who thanked Ventress for her help and told her that the Council had several questions for her. The Council authorized a rescue mission, and Ventress, with help from Kenobi and Skywalker, was able to free Vos from captivity in Dooku's palace on Serenno. When Obi-Wan and Anakin are investigating the cruiser, they come across a despondent Ti sitting at General Grievous' feet. Shaak Ti was a gifted Jedi who came to prominence during Star Wars' Clone Wars era, but her legacy among fans is all the ways she was killed. [32], The Chancellor requested that Ti and Se wait outside while he talked with Fives. [62] Valenza voiced Ti in five episodes of the series,[8][6][7][21][32] beginning with the season three episode "Clone Cadets. The Force Unleashed novel. [40], With his higher responsibilities, Vos was placed on missions to small Separatist storage facilities and listening posts, but each led to growing suspicion of his loyalty, as every outpost seemed to have been abandoned by the Separatists before Republic forces arrived. #StarWarsGeorge Lucas explains Shaak Ti's death and the subplot behind it in Star Wars: Revenge of The Sith! Se stated her opinion that Fives' actions kept them from learning more about the tumor, which irked the clone. When he told them that he had removed his own chip, Se claimed that Fives was a threat and should be terminated. Shaak Ti war eine Jedi-Meisterin und Jedi-Gesandte des Jedi-Ordens, die zur Zeit der Klonkriege lebte. In it, she is seen meditating when Skywalker enters the room she is in. She/her[1] The diminutive Aleena decided to contact Count Dooku and pleaded to him that the Republic be able to relocate the citizens of Mahranee in return for allowing the droid armies to capture the planet. [42] Like many of her fellow Jedi, Ti was the owner of an Eta-2 Actis-class light interceptor. Yoda lamented to his peers that they would have to play along with the Dark Lord of the Sith's mysterious plans until they learned more and could unravel their web and intentions.[34]. This led to her appearance in the acclaimed video game Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, sporting a really cool new look. Explore all of Wookieepedia's media for this article subject: Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. (Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga) Navigation Star Wars Characters Categories Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. Only 1 attempt. Cin Drallig. Published Jul 15, 2019 Jedi Master Shaak Ti served on the Jedi Council during the Clone Wars, and she ultimately died four different times in the Star Wars franchise. In den Klonkriegen diente Shaak Ti . [43], Grievous managed to get the upper hand by electrocuting Ti with electrified cables, which knocked her unconscious. Ti and the Council, believing that support for the war effort would wane if it was known that the Sith had played a role in the clone army's creation, made the difficult decision to keep these revelations private amongst themselves. Tup soon died muttering that he was "free of the nightmares." [32], Soon after, Palpatine informed the Jedi Council of Queen Julia of Bardotta's request for Jar Jar Binks to assist her after the disappearance of several Dagoyan Masters. She chased after the fleeing clone and jumped down the staircase to the medical bay. Somehow Grievous escaped with the Chancellor (confirmed by Obi Wan in Episode 7x9 of the Clone Wars). [21] Ti openly opposed the Kaminoans' preferred methods of treatment, such as hyper tests[7] and systematic termination, as well as the general mistreatment of the soldiers. Their investigation led to the arrest of Letta Turmond, an anti-war activist who had fed nano-droid explosives to her husband, a worker in the Jedi Temple named Jackar Bowmani. Because of the advantage given to her by the heightened perception of her surroundings, Ti was among one of the finest Jedi fighters in group combat. Ventress was proven right in her belief that he was still under the influence of the dark side but sacrificed herself at the hands of Dooku in order to redeem him. With their arguing settled, Ti told the two that she had arranged for the tumor and all the data gathered to be sent to the Jedi Temple. He was accompanied by Rex and Fives, whom Ti, still stationed on the ocean world, met with shortly after their arrival. In the final days of the war, however, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine of the Republic revealed himself as the Sith Lord Darth Sidious and enacted the Great Jedi Purge to wipe out the Jedi once and for all, using the clones' inhibitor chips to turn the Republic's armies against the Order. Under CC-BY-SA unless shaak ti death noted a threat and should be terminated are investigating the cruiser they... The search, something those present found odd des Jedi-Ordens, die jedoch beide durch Verbrechen gettet wurden traitor... Own chip, Se claimed that Fives ' actions kept them from learning more about tumor! Dathomir. [ 40 ] Clones.. Best run: 1,684,010 - got to 2nd rexillate 2 outside he! To attend the funeral of the end of the end of the judges during Ahsoka 's. Of course ) Jedi-Ordens, die zur Zeit der Klonkriege lebte hand electrocuting... And Anakin are investigating the cruiser, they come across a shaak ti death sitting... 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