Open the puller, insert the central shaft into the screw hole in the middle of the handle, then hook the arms of the puller under the base. You can also call it a water diverter, because it diverts the flow or direction of water. Search For In-Depth Answers Below! if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'plumbingnav_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_9',195,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-plumbingnav_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0');Make sure that whatever style of diverter you choose matches up with your existing plumbing fixtures and shower faucet. If you've got some handyman experience, sure. 7. To remove a stuck faucet handle, first close or cover the drain to avoid losing any screws or small parts. If the old one was threaded it means the supply pipe is threaded too so you should buy one which is threaded too. A faucet or tap has two parts: a valve and a spout. When you notice that your shower diverter is sticky, it could be that the groove is corroded. Perhaps you can clamp on to something below? Turn off Water to the Faucet: Remove the valve cover on the side of the sink and unscrew the nut that holds the stem. No matter what kind of setup you choose, remember that regular maintenance will help keep things running smoothly and avoid costly repairs down the road. If you want water to flow out from the bathtub spout simply push the diverter knob down. There are several ways to fix a stuck shower diverter. Petroleumgreases will eventually cause rubber O-rings and seals to decay. Step 2. Clogs occur when mineral deposits or debris build up in the diverter valve; this is especially common if your home has hard water. F-529-7AYY) is displayed on the product package and on the instruction manual right below the product name. Screwdriver or Driller Hammer Other Required OEM Parts Faucet grease Step #1: There's a small hole beneath the handle puller. With some basic maintenance, it will last many more years. We use cookies to make wikiHow great. First, clean the nut with a rag, then apply some lubricant to loosen the stuck faucet nut. This will enable you to troubleshoot an old diverter or select a new one for better water pressure. If you're unsure or have questions about the specific type, contact a plumber or home repairman. If you can't remove the cartridge, it could mean it's too corroded to remove. ; Step 2: Twist The Shower Arm Off. There are 180-degree turn valves which allow users even greater flexibility when setting up their plumbing systems. Use the trim plate as a guide for the maximum size of your trim plate. Youll gain the knowledge to make informed decisions about maintaining your homes tub and shower function. It might be best to have a professional plumber take a look at 3 way diverters that are more complex. Connect the bathtub spout back to the steel pipe. Remove the Handle There should be a screw, or more than one, holding the handle in place. Luckily, a stuck shower diverter can be easily fixed and doesnt always need to be replaced. If something wasnt installed correctly, you wont want the leak to burst with water. This allows you to have more control over your water pressure and water temperature in different areas of your bathroom, as well as directing water to multiple showerheads. - Steven Jun 9, 2012 at 23:01 I'd worry about damaging the threads. Yes, a water diverter can get stuck. Leave the solution in place for 12 hours or preferably overnight. I had to really strain to listen to the point of just turning it off. Use a valve socket and pliers to loosen and remove the old stem from the wall. It means it's time to call in a professional plumber. Copyright 2023 This Old House Ventures, LLC. This button or plate will expose a screw that needs to be removed with a screwdriver (probably a Phillips head). All rights reserved. Unfortunately, they can be prone to issues such as clogging, leaking, and sticking. Remove the screw holding the handle in place, then pull the handle free of the valve stem. Turn the water halfway on and then pull the knob on the diverter pin. Tighten it with a wrench. Clean the shower pipe if needed, making sure to scrub the grooves of the pipe . Carefully hand-tighten the new valve stem into the valve body, then tighten it with the valve socket and pliers. As you remove screws or other parts from the shower, keep them in the same place to avoid losing them. How To Fix a Leaky Single-handle Disk Faucet, How to Replace a Cartridge on a Moen Faucet, How to Repair a Leaky Single-Handle Cartridge Faucet, How to Fix a Leaky Faucet (Cartridge or Compression), How to Replace the Cartridge on a Mixet Shower Faucet, How to Fix a Moen Pressure-Balanced Shower Valve, How to Fix Inconsistent Water Temperature. Some valve sets are secured with a retainer nut that holds them in place. He specializes in estimating as well as design and engineering for plumbing systems, and he works for one of New York's largest union plumbing construction companies. Dry the water first. This article has been viewed 249,388 times. A simple standalone diverter may not cut it. Remove the screw underneath the plate by turning it counterclockwise. ; Step 4: Adjustable Pipe Wrench. In order for rust to take place, water and oxygen have to be present on an iron surface. Removing your old valve and installing a new one can take time, but with patience, a novice handyman can do it without the help of a plumber. Caulk it in place if necessary. Heat again and attempt to unscrew while hot. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Free shipping for many products! You can unstick the faucet nut with the correct faucet stem removal tool to prevent damage to the shell. Remove the handle as shown in Photos 1 and 2. How do I get into the wall to access the valve? Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. 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Stuck Shower Diverter? Use a pocketknife to pry off the small round index cover from the showers hot-water faucet handle.4. You can do this in a couple of different ways. 12. After you take the handle and trim plate off, you can soak it in vinegar or CLR to remove any built up grime. Good video with an experienced plumber just so hard to listen & learn. There are 2 grooves inside the bathtub spout where the shower diverter is fitted allowing it to move up and down. 15. In most cases, shower shutoff valves will be found in an access hatch behind the shower wall. In 1992, Jones joined Roto-Rooter as a drain service technician at the age of 18. Use a pair of needle-nose pliers to pry the black rubber washer loose. Replace the screw, then the faceplate over the screw. Unthread the existing seat from inside the valve with a seat wrench. There are 2 common types of bathtub spouts. Since then, he has risen through the ranks into positions of increasing authority. 8. 8. Step 1: Turn Off The Water Flow. Any Alternative? Here is how to lubricate a stuck shower diverter: For folks who live in areas with hard water, I expect the cause of the stuck shower diverter to be calcium build up. The Easiest Way to Change a Bathroom Sink Faucet, How to Fix a Leaky Single-Handle Sink Faucet. Also, check for signs of damage like cracked seals or worn-out parts. If the bathtub spout is however too old and/or leaky, a replacement is always the best and long term solution. As you already know, oil and water are not the best of friends. A shower diverter should last you at least 5 years. Do the same thing again 180 degrees around the nut. Then install in the new knob, making sure that the cold water knob is on the right, while the hot water knob is on the left. What causes this though? Plumber's grease is also recommended by Leak Geeks. Wait a few minutes, then it should slide out more easily. Using your fingers, carefully pull the metal stem out of the wall. Well he certainly knows what he's doing but he mumbles more than he realizes and add in the (Australian or English) accent they talk a bit faster already plus the mumbling instead of clear pronunciation is a little problematic. If required, twist the screws with a wrench. Got Plumbing Questions? When the knob is pulled up, water flows out from the showerhead. Youll also need to make sure that your current plumbing setup is compatible with whichever valve model you select; some require additional piping if there isnt enough pressure from your existing supply line for proper operation. Make sure there's no other damage around the shower faucet. The valve controls the flow of water into the spout, whereas the spout controls the flow of water out of the faucet. This will make them look new again. Sticking is often caused by corrosion and mineral deposits that have built up on the internal components of the diverter valve. Experienced plumber just so hard to listen & learn underneath the plate by turning it counterclockwise hand-tighten the new stem... Make sure there & # x27 ; s no other damage around the nut a diverter. That the groove is corroded leak Geeks or preferably overnight turn valves which allow users even greater flexibility when up. Too corroded to remove flow or direction of water into the spout controls the flow of water into wall. Size of your trim plate way to Change a Bathroom Sink faucet make sure there & # ;! Shower shutoff valves will be found in an access hatch behind the shower wall should last you least. Flow out from the showers hot-water faucet handle.4 be a screw, more! Petroleumgreases will eventually cause rubber O-rings and seals to decay direction of into... Correctly, you wont want the leak to burst with water which is threaded too solution... With the correct faucet stem removal tool to prevent damage to the point of just it. 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